Friday, January 6, 2017

Persian punk

The citizens of Iran were always pride of their heritage. In comparison to other muslin countries, they weren’t just a bunch of shepherds gathered in some tribes. The name of the city “Persepolis” was known from Atlantic Ocean to the Chine. Everybody spread the stories about the brave Persian people like Cyrus II or Darius I. In fact the art was spectacular, in particular the craftsmanship (everybody has heard about Persian carpets). Most people were believers of Zoroastrianism – one of the first monotheistic religions in the world. Instead of the conquests of Alexander the Great and after- the Muslin, the memory of a great empire survived.

Now, you can imagine that you are a litter girl growing up in the Iran in 80s during the religion revolution. Everything what was important to you have been destroyed by fanatics.  You fell very angry, disappointed, confused, you want to rebel but you don't know how. Your country is becoming some Arabic province where the culture and the liberty is no longer a value.

“Persepolis” is an animated film, but only for adults. Undoubtedly because of this image people, who don’t know the history of Iran, have a possibility to understand the difficult problem of this religious revolution. During watching, you can ask yourself a question: how is it possible?

The movie is based on the memories of Marione Satrapi – well-known graphic novelist living in Paris.

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