Sunday, November 6, 2016

Free will doesn’t exist

Two films: to different point of view.

“A Clockwork Orange” is a Kubrick’s so-called manifesto against the modern fascism. By this term he understood a creation of a new man: a person programmed by a government and the psychiatrists who is just a submissive slave.

Long story short: the main character due to his brutality is sent to participate in a research program as a guinea pig. The bunch of scientist wants to “repair his soul” and make him a useful, nonviolent citizen. After a week of a horrifying therapy, he is not capable of aggressive behavior. When he wants to act violent, his body tries to destroy himself. By losing his ability to make a choice, Alex is no longer considered as a human being. He must be good, even against his will, otherwise he dies. We see that the main problem for a director is a question: what make us human ?

The message of “The Devil's Advocate” is clear and absolutely different . No matter what choice you made, the results of your action are always the same. In this case the “free will” is just a human illusion, our way to convince ourselves that the existence has a deep, true meaning and that we are responsible for our life (and moreover – life after the death). According to Taylor Hackford who directed this movie, the theories created by John Calvin about the providence are the ultimate truth. We are just toys used by God to make a show. Nothing more and there is no such thing as a free will.

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