Sunday, April 23, 2017

May I have your attention please ?

We live in the best of times. There is less and less poverty. Moreover, we are capable of cure basically the majority of illnesses. In Europe or United-States every hard-working citizen can buy a car and a decent house. Generally, the state has changed – It is not an unpredictable monster who wants abuse us and steal our money, but like in the Nordic countries, it could be really helpful and protective. Eve

We have smartphones, internet, social media, in short: a lot of convenience unimaginable for our grandparents. I address it to people who love romanticize the past. In spite of casual dentist visit, you can try going to the blacksmith. That would be unforgettable.

However, we – all human being – need to have some problems. We get bored because of a perfect quiet life and we look for some variety. Obviously, we overthink some banal situations, because there is a drama queen deeply hidden inside all of us. We look for attention and someone who will listen to our fictive problems.

That diagnosis of our society has been presented by Philippe Blasband in a theatre piece called „Les mangeuses de chocolat” (The eaters of chocolate).

Friday, April 14, 2017

My sweet little boy...

What makes a boy a man? Is he supposes to father a son, build a house and plant a tree to become a manly man? Of course not. Nowadays, we can rent a repair crew or the whole company to build a house. Also, more and more people are living in crowded cities, so it is quite impossible to plant a tree if you are not a member of Greenpeace. Finally, having just the daughters is not a shame.

A lot of boys expect that the sexual initiation would make them adult. However, there are still boys, but the boys who have sex. If a girl gets pregnant, basically they run away. When I was working with the teenagers, most of them admit that that special moment made them adult. It was not important if they could give a pleasure to a girl – that was not their objective. “I just wanted to f**k, because I want to be respected by my friends. They are thinking that I am a pathetic little boy”.

The definition of true men has been changing during last decades. Firstly, in 50’ the man had to be: head of a family, hard-working, emotionally inaccessible, patriot. He couldn’t cry. But after a war in Vietnam the situation changed. The 60’ made the boys discover their sensitive nature. They become more respectful to women but also less engage in life (family and political). Men don’t want be oppressive for a partner, so they become passive.

The lack of father results in creation of radical feminist (who basically hates all men) and lost boys who do not understand the notion of manhood.

Robert Bly present the vision of manhood which do not criticize the achievements of feminism, but at the same time in show the way that every boy has to pass to become a man. “Iron John: A Book About Men” would be an unpleasant lecture for every Peter Pan.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

It is so easy to juge

People hate other people. That emotion is unstoppable and vivid.

The descendants of immigrants hate the country where they have been born. They don’t like the way they live: lead a life without the perspectives. All their friends do drugs, steal, cheat, don’t study and do not have enough money to go to the university. They don’t know different life.

Why? Maybe this is a fault of French government who didn’t let the Algerians buy houses in the city center. As a result, there were more and more apartments around the city which became a ghetto. There are some places close to Paris where the white people do not enter. On the other hand it is just funny that on the suburbs you can find the aristocracy living in their mansion or poor immigrants. There are some small, bourgeois cities like Maison-Lafitte (well-known in Poland thanks to Giedroyć) or dangerous places like Saint- Denis but rarely you can there find a mediocre place. The division between the richness and the poverty is overwhelming.

So again, why do people in France have problems with immigrants?

“La haine”, a French movie from 1995 explain this phenomenon and you could understand it in an altogether different light.